Books that inspire: reading on regenerative agriculture

In times of global challenges in the agricultural sector and in the face of increasing environmental crises, regenerative agriculture is becoming more and more important. This approach focuses not only on sustainable practices, but also on the restoration of biodiversity and the transformation of our food system. In this blog post, we would like to introduce you to some inspiring books that offer deep insights into the concepts of food forest, agroforestry and biodiversity. These works will make you think about our farming and food practices and motivate you to change.

“Regenisis- Feeding the world without devouring the planet” by George Monbiot

George Monbiot is a renowned British journalist, author, university lecturer and environmental activist who, in his book Neuland, emphasises the need for a fundamental transformation of the way we eat. Monbiot argues that mechanised and industrial agriculture contributes significantly to the destruction of biodiversity. Monbiot poses the question of how we can transform our food systems so that they not only feed people but also heal the planet. He offers a fascinating vision for a new kind of agriculture based on the principles of regeneration and restoration.

Industrial agriculture is the biggest cause of environmental degradation in the world – and the one we talk about the least. We have ploughed, fenced, grazed and poisoned large parts of the planet to feed ourselves. As a result, our food system is beginning to falter.

George Monbiot, however, creates a breathtaking vision of a new agriculture. He meets fruit and vegetable farmers who are revolutionising our understanding of fertility, growers of perennial grains who are freeing the land from ploughs and poisons, scientists who are pioneering new ways of growing protein and fat. Based on amazing advances in soil ecology, Monbiot shows how we can feed the world without devouring the planet.

“The Reindeer Chronicles” by Judith D. Schwartz

“The Reindeer Chronicles” is an inspiring book that tells global stories of working with nature to heal the earth. The journalist takes the reader on a journey to some of the most degraded places in the world and shows how committed environmentalists are revitalising these regions according to ecological principles.

One outstanding example is the Loess Plateau in China, where a major project has transformed a devastated region into fertile land. In Norway, Schwartz accompanies a young indigenous reindeer herder who is fighting against powerful conservative views and his own government. In the Middle East, she follows the work of a visionary permaculture designer who is trying to redesign desert ecosystems with the help of plants.

Schwartz highlights regenerative solutions in different landscapes – from deserts and grasslands to the tropics and tundra. She emphasises the importance of restoring local water, carbon, nutrient and energy cycles to stabilise the global climate. The book shows how much is in our hands if we learn to co-operate with nature.

The Reindeer Chronicles’ is currently available in English and Dutch. A German translation has not yet been published. The Dutch edition of ‘The Reindeer Chronicles’ is entitled ‘Landherstel’, which means ‘land restoration’. This aptly summarises the core message of the book – the restoration of land and ecosystems. Judith D. Schwartz describes impressive examples of successful regeneration projects from around the world and shows how people can find sustainable solutions to the climate crisis in harmony with nature.

“We eten ons dood” by Louis De Jaeger

This powerful work (in German: wir essen uns zu Tode) by Belgian author Louis De Jaeger offers a critical view of our current eating habits and their consequences for the environment. With a clear vision for the future, De Jaeger describes how agroforestry – the integration of trees and shrubs into agriculture – can help restore the ecosystem. He impressively combines the concepts of regenerative agriculture and biodiversity to envision a new way of feeding and farming. De Jaeger argues that by switching to agroforestry systems, we can not only increase biodiversity, but also improve soil fertility and protect the climate. His book is a passionate appeal for a paradigm shift in agriculture and nutrition. Unfortunately, this book has not yet been translated into German or English. If you all ask for it, it may be published sooner!

The books presented offer inspiring insights and practical solutions to transform our food system into a more sustainable and future-proof form. They encourage us to think about the role of biodiversity and the potential of regenerative agriculture and show ways in which we can improve the stewardship of our resources through innovative approaches such as food forests and agroforestry. Reading these works will certainly inspire you to gain new perspectives on agriculture and food and actively contribute to positive transformation. They offer not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical guidance and inspiration to put the principles of regenerative agriculture into practice and contribute to solving the global environmental and food crises.

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