Reflecting on our workshop in the Waldgartenpilot

Our workshop introducing the basics of syntropic agroforestry recently took place in the beautiful Rehfelde Forest Garden near Berlin. As a real-life laboratory and ideal place to learn and explore young complex agroforestry systems, the forest garden provides the perfect setting for inspiring educational and practical experiences.

Together with a committed and diverse group of multipliers and interested participants, we planted another syntropic row. In addition to the practical work, the focus was on understanding ecological processes and the principles of syntropic agroforestry. The balanced mix of theory and practice enabled all participants to deepen their knowledge and apply it directly – an approach that aroused enthusiasm and gave us all a lot of pleasure.

One highlight was the guided tour of the various food forest systems, which was conducted by Matthias with his in-depth expertise and enthusiasm. There was also a small workshop on inoculating wood with mushrooms, which are another nutritious yield from a food forest. The two lecturers Kristin and Jens brought in their knowledge and experience of syntropic systems in four climate zones, ecosystems and the use of specific plants. There were many examples and stories; overall it was a lively, educational and enjoyable event.

Of course, the physical well-being was not to be neglected either: Thanks to Jessie and Felix, we were spoilt with delicious food from morning to night. In the evening, a cosy campfire provided the perfect ending, accompanied by lively discussions, laughter and music.

A milestone for the Rehfelde food forest

The workshop marked the starting point for the founding of the ‘Syntropic Heroes Rehfelde’ – a group of committed volunteers who want to take over the management and organisation of the syntropic system in Rehfelde in the long term. This step shows how education and practice can make a lasting contribution to building resilient and healthy ecosystems.

Join in and be part of the movement

If you are interested in getting actively involved and supporting us in creating productive and regenerative systems, please get in touch with us. Whether with helping hands, funding and social media or creative ideas – everyone is welcome to become part of this project.

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  • Spannende Einblicke in unsere laufenden Projekte
  • Veranstaltungen, Workshops und Aktionstage rund um die Themen Agroforst und Permakultur
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