Sarsarale e.V. becomes FoodForestNetwork e.V.

A vision becomes reality

What began as a travelling experience in southern Senegal is developing into an international network for sustainable agriculture. Sarsarale e.V., an association that promoted education, health and sustainability, has now evolved into FoodForestNetwork e.V. – a project dedicated to promoting complex agroforestry systems.

Many years ago, Jens spent some time in the small village of Kafountine in southern Senegal while travelling. He was quickly impressed by the warmth and friendliness of the locals, but also saw their poverty and lack of prospects in this geographically and politically marginalised area of Senegal. He saw a lot of potential and hope in the local people, despite the lack of material resources. These experiences laid the foundations for the idea of setting up an association that would demonstrate sustainable ways of living and preserve the traditional knowledge of local medicinal plants by means of a project garden: ‘Sarsarale e.V.’ was founded together with other committed supporters.

The name ‘Sarsarale’ means ‘everywhere!’ in the West African language Wolof and reflects the organisation’s mission statement: Education. Health. Sustainability. Everywhere! – For people, society and nature.

Projectgarden Jama Rek

Initially, Artemisia annua was cultivated in the ‘Jama Rek’ project garden as a therapeutic agent against malaria and other medicinal and nutritious plants. This was followed by an educational trail on renewable energy with a solar water pump, solar dryers, a waste incinerator and a dry separation toilet. Over the years, numerous workshops and events have been organised (sometimes together with partners). Gradually, the beds were rebuilt according to the principles of permaculture. In 2018, a partnership was established with the ‘PermaFoodForest’ project, a farm 25 kilometres north of the project garden in Kafountine.

Sharing knowledge: complex agroforestry

Another milestone was the collaboration with Ramos in 2020, which included organising the first forest garden congress in German-speaking countries and initiating a forest garden pilot project near Berlin. The focus on complex agroforestry systems increasingly crystallised as the future main thrust of the association. This ultimately led to the decision in June 2024 to turn Sarsarale e.V. into a network of food forests – the name change to FoodForestNetwork e.V. is currently being finalised. The aim is still to aggregate and disseminate knowledge about complex agroforestry systems and to implement and further develop this sustainable form of agriculture together with committed people.

Foto: Workshop Agroforst in Senegal, März 2024
Agroforestry Workshop in Senegal, March 2024

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share

The FoodForestNetwork motto continues to be: ‘Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share’. There is no other way than to work in harmony with nature: We demonstrate alternative agriculture based on the principles of permaculture, among others. It is important to us that the farmers receive a fair income.

Non-profit, charitable association

Despite this development and the significant increase in interest in our work, FoodForestNetwork remains a non-profit organisation that continues to rely heavily on voluntary work. Thanks to the active support of donors and volunteers, the organisation can continue to realise its vision of a better future through regenerative agriculture.

Sie möchten auf dem Laufenden bleiben?

  • Spannende Einblicke in unsere laufenden Projekte
  • Veranstaltungen, Workshops und Aktionstage rund um die Themen Agroforst und Permakultur
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