
Current events

Workshop: regenerative agriculture (Berlin)

Food Forest – Permaculture – Agroforestry. Certified Earth Activist Training


Autumn Course:

Modul 1: 20. to 22.09.2024
Modul 2: 27. to 29.09.2024
Modul 3: 04 to 06.10.2024

Where? Berlin, Waldgarten Pilot in Rehfelde

Regular cost contribution: 180 – 300 € per module according to self-assesment incl. snacks, fruit, coffee, tea; for all 3 modules 540 – 900 €. An additional 10-15 € per module for a joint lunchwould be great.

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Past events

the following events have been organised recently. Stay up to date with all our offers and sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media

Workshop: regenerative agriculture (Senegal)

Food Forest – Permaculture – Agroforestry. Certified Earth Activist Training

When? 12.02. 15.02.2024 and 05.03. till 09.03.2024

Where? Senegal

Cost: 180.000 CFA

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Online-conference on Food Forest, Agroforestry and Permaculture (GERMAN SPEAKING)

When? 01. 03. March 2024

Where? Online-Videoconference

Cost: free of charge, donations are requested

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