Our Projects

Here you can find existing FoodForestNetwork projects. This list will be extended.

Project: Sarsarale Garden, Jama Rek
Location Africa, Senegal, Casamance, Kafountine
Description Permaculture medicinal plant garden, nature trail and sustainability tools, medicinal plant pharmacy, tree nursery, solar drying

Jens, jens (at) sarsarale.org,
+49 176 55 13 70 18

Alex, +221 781 322 197

Website sarsarale.org
GPS Coordinates Restor
Climatzone Subtropical
Size of area/property 0,5 ha
Start of project 2009
Guided Tours, Workshops, Volontary work
Projektmanager (all genders)
Project: PermaFoodForest
Location Africa, Senegal, Casamance, Bandjikaki
Description Diverse tropical Food Forest Systems,Toulou Keur system, syntropicale system, nursery, food processing and refinement

Jens, jens (at) permafoodforest.com
+49 176 55 13 70 18

Frieda, projektmanagment Senegal,
frieda (at) permafoodforest.com,
+221 784 671 048

Website PermaFoodForest.com
Social Media Instagram
GPS Coordinates Restor
Climatzone Subtropical
Start of project 2019
Size of area/property 3 ha
Workshops, education, guided tours, training, volontary work


Project: Waldgartenpilot Rehfelde
Location Europe, Germany, Brandenburg Rehfelde-Dorf
Description In the long term, around 200 people are to be supplied with fruit and vegetables from the permacultural food forest and market garden. Two full-time positions are to be created.
Contact waldgartenpilot.de/kontakt
Website waldgartenpilot.de
Social Media Instagram
GPS Coordinates


Climatzone Temperate to continental climate
Start of project initiated at the end of 2019, the land was purchased at the end of 2020
Size of area/property 3,1 ha
Currently irregular Workshop
Distribution network for the harvested products, professional support in the nursery
Funding Postcodelotterie 2021 – 2023, Anstiftung 2023
Project: TiloFoodForest
Location Africa, Gahna
Description Syntropical Agroforestry with focus on cacao and fruits
Contact Adime Abrampah: +233 24 160 3096
Frieder Krug: friederkrug4 (at) gmail.com, +49 152 0397 4829
GPS Coordinates Restor
Climatzone Monsoon-Tropics
Size of area/property 1 ha
Project: Jäckels Aufbruch
Location Europe, Germany, Brandenburg, Wriezen
Description Agroforestry systems of varying complexity and regenerative agriculture: orchards, syntropic systems, market gardens, tree nurseries. Energy generation via pyrolysis and photovoltaics. Also processing and direct marketing, educational work. Cooperative services in the areas of food, mobility, housing, education and culture are created for and with the neighbourhood.
Contact Arne, jaeckelsaufbruch (at) posteo.de,
+49 176 2401 9691
GPS Coordinates Restor Jäckelsbruch, Auwald, Odervorland
Climatzone moderate climate
Start of project Beginning of 2022
Size of area/property 17 ha
Project: Ana Fonio
Location Africa, Senegal, Yène-Kelle, Toubab Dialaw
Description Creation of living, resilient ecosystems that provide habitats for wild animals and plants and at the same time produce stable agricultural yields. Focus on the production and processing of fruit, vegetables and medicinal plants. Reforestation with techniques of “desert greening” and syntropic agroforestry. Education for sustainable development, workshops and volunteer programmes.
Contact Claudia Maïmouna Utz-Seck,
maimouna (at) anafonio.sn
GPS Coordinates Restor
Climatzone tropical thorn savannah, semi-arid, near the coast
Start of project 2017
Size of area/property 3 ha
Volunteer programmes, coaching for local, smallholder initiatives, in future also workshops, school on the farm and (study) internships
Volunteers with permaculture expertise, locally adapted young plants and seeds, support in marketing and social media
Project: Food Forest Project in Spain
Location Corteconcepción. Huelva, Andalusien, Spanien
Description Non-irrigated syntropic agroforestry system, sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural production. Former olive grove, diversification, keyline design, water-storing cacti, nitrogen-fixing and drought-resistant trees and shrubs as pioneers for multi-layered fruit and nut production, initial vegetable production
Contact Jasper Missy jasper.miss (at) yahoo.de, +49 15205909121
Frieder Krug, friederkrug45 (at) gmail.com,
+49 1520 3974829
Website www.la-manada.com
GPS Coordinates 37,8937989, – 6,5167312
Climatzone Mediterranean Continental
Start of project October 2023
Size of area/property 1000m², initial planting of syntropic agroforestry, 20 ha olive grove
Woofing-Volunteers, Workshops
Volunteers with permaculture expertise, locally adapted young plants and seeds, support in marketing and social media