Do you have a wish, a comment, a need or a completely different concern? We look forward to hearing from you and will reply as soon as possible.
E-Mail: info (at)
Tel: +49 151 59 206 207
Address: Sarsarale e. V. , Bergmannstr. 100, 10961 Berlin
donation account
accountholder: Sarsarale e.V.
IBAN: DE30430609676015001900, BIC: GENODEM1GLS
GLS – Gemeinschaftsbank Bochum
Please indicate if you would like to support a specific project with your donation, e.g. for a specific project like the Sarsarale garden in Jama-Rek or for the Food Forest Network in generall If you need a donation receipt, please let us know, stating your email address and home address. Thank you so much!
Get involved
Looking for ways to get involved? Do you have an area or a project and would like to actively shape transformation together with us? Are you a designer, gardener or student (all genders) and would like to work with us? Are zou looking for aninternship? Then take a look at our page “Get involved” !